Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas Bird Count 2019, Carter County, Tenn.

Saturday, December 14.
The count was a bit discouraging what with rain and low overcast and generally crummy weather. However, the Herndon Chapter of TOS conducted its 77th consecutive annual CBC and saw 63 species. The 30-year average is 73 species and the high was 85 in 2017. There were 30 observers in 6 parties.

The count is centered on Wilbur Lake with a radius of 7.5 miles and divided in pie shapes. Each team rotates each year to spread out the load.

Of course, from year to year, results vary. Weather is probably the biggest factor. Some results: 1,015 European starling, 499 Cedar waxwing, 319 Canada geese. This is a lower elevation count (relative to the high point of Roan Mountain) and so most of the common birds will get observed.


On December 15, the chapter held the 67th Roan Mountain Winter Count. This has not been necessarily consecutive years and covers most of the Roan Mountain State Park and nearby areas in Carter County topping out at Carver’s Gap. The location yielded a few results not found in the Carter County count.
For example, the Roan Mountain count had 11 American black duck while the CBC had none. One merganser. Raven, red-crossbill, and red-breasted nuthatch up at the top versus not one in the lower part of the county. This is not always unexpected but from year to year, there seems to always be a surprise.